Alex and Pete2

Peter Holland (Managing Director) welcomes Alex Wilder as the newly appointed Director of Dental Business to the board of Cermatpro Ltd. Alex joins Bill Grabham (Chairman) and Peter to drive the Cermatpro and Justpressables brands forward. Peter says: “Alex has shown considerable enthusiasm with the development of JP and his business acumen is growing daily. Bill and I consider this a strengthening of the Board and an asset for the future of the company.” Alex together with Bill and Zoë Stewart are the named as the holders of the patent for the production of JPVest. Probably the best investment in the world today for Pressable Ceramics.

Alex will have full responsibility for the Dental Business aided by Mike Foot on Sales, Sophie Cunningham – Commercial and together with Zoë Stewart and Dr Sallyann Wallington in Technical Support. Cermatpro has a fully equipped and staffed technical centre of excellence using XRF , XRD and full pressing facilities in support of global sales.

Alex may be contacted at